

Explore the many uses and benefits of nanobubbles.

Strawberry Research with Gaia UFB Technology in Saline Water

Gaia, a global leader in the nanobubble (ultra-fine bubble) technology arena has jointly been collaborating with the BioResource & Agricultural Engineering (BRAE) Department at California Polytechnic University (CalPoly), since 2017 to create a solution to this rising problem.

For more information on this Gaia and Cal Poly study click here.

Dr. Livingston’s Zoom presentation can be viewed by clicking the following link

To read more on ARI, visit Cal Poly.

Vard Brings GAIA Nanobubble (Ultra-fine) systems to Chile for fish oxygenation

Vard Aqua Chile and GAIA have entered into an Authorized Integrator Agreement which allows Vard to distribute, install, and provide technical support for the implementation of GAIA nanobubble generation technology into systems for Chilean Aquaculture.

GAIA’s ultra-fine/nanobubble generators increase dissolved oxygen in seawater fish farms. The ultra-fine/nanobubbles contribute to more efficient and sustainable aquaculture operations. As Jorge Flores of Vard Aqua Chile said, “The Technology is already patent pending and widely distributed in Canada, which makes this task much easier for us with our local clients.”

IDEC Corporation and Gaia Water

In August of 2016, Gaia was invited to visit IDEC at the University of Osaka, Photonics Department laboratory to test the efficacy of Gaia’s patent pending technology. The testing utilized a a Malvern Particle Analyzer, the NanoSight NS500V-HS, under the supervision of IDEC scientists. These experiments showed that Gaia nanobubble technology produced bubbles in the range of 100 nanometers (0.1 microns) in size with volume concentrations dependent on the gas injected.

Gaia & Cermaq Canada

Gaia has been working with Cermaq, Canada for the past 10 years beginning with pilot test systems. Gaia’s systems have now been installed in several Cermaq farms in Canada, and in Chile. Gaia has collaborated with Cermaq to create effective solutions for open ocean aquaculture producer challenges applicable worldwide. Gaia’s nanobubble (ultra-fine) technology is being used to increase dissolved oxygen levels in ocean farming creating long-term, sustainable solutions that enhance fish growth and health. As well as allowing producers to effectively manage the negative effects of phytoplankton (algae) blooms. Gaia’s patent-pending technologies for creating dissolved oxygen nanobubbles are a vital tool for aquaculture producers to ensure their success well into the future.

Ozonated Nanobubble Water

Gaia, a global leader in Nanobubble (ultra-fine) technology, has collaborated with the Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering at The University of Arizona (UA). UA used Gaia technology to create ozonated nanobubbles to treat produce wash water.

Gaia's Nanobubbles have
been deployed in:


Explore the many uses and benefits of nanobubbles.